Friday, October 5, 2007

Dearest Boy on the Train,

You know who you are. Grey sweatpants, yellow tee-shirt and a bright smile to match. You certainly made my day. It helped that you approached me, smiles and all and so eager to make a good impression: trust me, you really did.

It was nice of your mom not to follow you as you approached a random stranger on the train, the way you were nervous and sort of wringing your hands like you had done something wrong and then you spoke to me. You introduced yourself, gave me your name, your age, all smiles. And my heart went out to you when you had trouble finding your words, but what you said really made me smile. For that, you get a happy letter from the girl you met on the train. Even though you are only twelve, you are certainly more perceptive than some people of the same gender that you are that should know better when they're eighteen or in their mid-forties. See, you're cool in my eyes.

So thank you so much for the compliment. You can't go wrong with having Prison Break as your favourite television show or Sum 41 as your favourite band. (Although, you could do better with Grey's Anatomy and The Ataris, but that's a bit of a personal preference.)

You are perhaps the most awesome twelve year old ever to come up and talk to me. And thank you so much for the compliment.

The Girl On the Train

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