Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dear Gorgeous ,

I met on the train yesterday and I know that you remember me. It had been raining hard yesterday morning and you somehow managed to snag a seat on the train while I had to stand near you. With a swift jerk of the train on the tracks, I stumbled backwards and your lap just happened to cushion my fall. You chuckled and gave me a smile and went "If you wanted to start talking to me that badly... All you had to was tell me."

I blushed and apologized quickly and started to stand up again when you told me that you were fine with me there, sitting on your lap like that. I stood up anyways and murmured my apology again. You introduced yourself and I introduced myself as well. You asked me if you could use a line on me ('Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?') because you were afraid that you would just never get to use that line again. I laughed and agreed and you asked me the question and I told you that it didn't hurt because you cushioned my fall. You chuckled warmly at that. At the next station, a seat near you opened up so I sat down and we started having a conversation in earnest.

You seemed interested in me and didn't seem to fight the urge to run away when you found out my age - seventeen. You were quick witted with your comments and wanted to know more about me, so I shared. You shared as well and when we got to a train station where you were going to get off to meet a friend, you asked me if you could give me your phone number. I agreed, and you ripped off the corner of a looseleaf piece of paper and scribbled down your first name and your phone number. I regret to inform you that I haven't called you yet.

Yesterday afternoon, I had fallen asleep on the bus going home and it arrived at the 'end of the line' and I was still sleeping. You saw me and woke me up by gently shaking my shoulder. When I woke up, you smiled down at me and told 'Sleeping Beauty' to wake up. I gave you a smile and got up, joining in the queue of people lining up to disembark the bus.

And today? Today I saw you again on the train coming home. You had a seat and I did not as I wasn't near the front of the pack of people hungry for seats. You asked me if I wanted to fall into your lap again and I told you that I was fine standing, you looked disappointed and confirmed it vocally as well. You asked me how my day was and I answered honestly, truthfully. You asked me if I had a boyfriend and I answered that honestly as well. No. You smiled at that answer and then continued chatting.

And then after a while, I noticed that you had stopped calling me 'Michelle' and started calling me 'Tink' instead. I questioned this usage of a nickname that had no meaning to me. you told me that Tink stood for Tinkerbelle and that I was small, pixie-like and flighty. I protested that I wasn't flighty and you just shook your head and went 'Flighty.. And pixie-like too.'

I suppose when compared you, I am small. Considering my height and your height of ~6 feet. I especially like your hair (dark brown) and eyes (brown). You have an infectious smile and it made me smile too. You are considerably good at brightening up a girl's day, you should know.

You should also know that all the compliments that you've been giving me are all going to go straight to my head.

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