Friday, June 27, 2008

Dear Man in Blue,

I think it's commendable that you feel the need to inform the people in charge of the transit system that you find it faulty because the bus didn't show up for an hour. I understand your frustration because everyone else that was waiting for the same bus (myself include) was also very frustrated.

But when you start throwing things down onto the ground and just at no one in particular around you... You no longer appear frustrated, but maybe a touch mental. You threw down your bag. You threw down your blue jacket. You threw down your sunglasses, your transit pass. You threw down what remained of your lunch and probably whatever change you got from your bag of fast food.

You shouted obscenities at people and demanded, from everyone, to know when the bus was arriving and why was it so late.

And the odd thing is that when the bus finally did arrive... You didn't get on. You shouted at the driver, told him that he was damned late and you had lost an hour out of your life that you will never get back and then you just picked up all your things and left.