Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dear Scot,

Today while my friend Katie and I were waiting for the bus (the schedule was not in the pole that said which bus stop it was, which was disappointing - we were waiting for over 10 minutes for the bus and it was very windy and cold - this is all besides the point) and we saw this man get off a bus. That in itself is not very interesting, but the man that we saw you. You were wearing high white socks and a red kilt that had what looked like traditional pins to keep it from flying up in the wind.

As soon as the bus driver (a woman) pulled the bus away, you started cursing, stamping your foot down in anger. Saying that if any woman "ever fucking does that to me again, I'll cut her fucking head off". Now, I'm sure you were only saying this in anger - but honestly now... Violence doesn't solve anything and nor does cursing at someone who cannot hear you. Also, uttering threats of bodily harm is unlawful and therefore you can be charged for them fighting words and if anything ever happened to that woman, you'd be the first suspect since there'd be something in the records. Besides, it isn't very nice to threaten to cut someone's head off.

You stomped angrily away, shaking your head at the women of the world in general and then suddenly you cursed again with a very loud 'fuck' and then said very loudly how you just missed your bus. Now, I'm sure it's very nice that you are well versed in the use of profanity, but there is no need to curse so loudly. (Also, in case you did not notice, a woman was pushing a stroller with a toddler by you when you were busy cursing. Perhaps you're not very caring of people in general, but toddlers can speak and can mimic the adults around them.)

When the bus that my friend and I were waiting for eventually arrived, you got onto the same one and just muttered things to yourself, shaking your head the entire time and when you got off, you surprised me by actually thanking the driver. But then, the driver was a man so I supposed that you felt that you had some sense of kinship with him.

But anyways, a word of advice for the last time you want to utter threats of bodily harm to people who are just doing their job. Don't say it out loud. Especially since there were about a half-dozen witnesses. So happy holidays and I hope you get exactly what you deserve.

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